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Best Wishes for Scott Citron

Early yesterday morning (23-July-2008), my good friend Scott Citron was in a serious car accident while in Los Angeles for a training assignment. Scott has been mentioned in my podcasts, and I’ve recommended his book, Professional Design Techniques with Adobe Creative Suite 3, here on the blog. He is the chapter representative of the New York InDesign User Group (where I first met him), a respected Adobe expert and instructor, and a brilliant designer. More than that, for me, he is a cherished friend, valued confidant and advisor.

His long-term prognosis is good. He will recover, but he has sustained many injuries and his road to recovery will be a long one. His family is with him and the outreach among his friends and associates has already started in the form of a blog to keep everyone concerned informed about his progress. Well-wishers can also post comments that we look forward to Scott having the opportunity to read as soon as possible.

The blog URL is:

Scott’s early advice to me about “the whole expert thing” was a large part of what eventually evolved into this podcast and blog. And his friendship and support since then has been invaluable. I ask that all of you in my audience keep Scott and his family in your thoughts.

Thank you.

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15 Responses to “Best Wishes for Scott Citron”

  1. Betty Sperber says:

    Hello To Jen,Scott and family,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

    We know Scott is a fighter snd WILL pull through this.

    All our love,

    Betty and Alan Sperber

  2. Paul Tomzak says:

    Hi Scott and family,

    All our prayers and hopes are with you in your time of need.

    Know you come though this with flying colors.

    Take care,

    Paul Tomzak

  3. Hi Scott, Jen and family,
    There are many people, places and things waiting for you already.
    We are sending you more encouregement and energies if needed, my best wishes.
    I will keep you also more present in my thoughts and prayers

    Federico Platon

  4. Hello. I just wanted to send out my thoughts and prayers. I work at a company in Indianapolis, In and we were very much looking forward to training with Scott on InDesign in 2 weeks, but we learned of his accident at work this morning.
    My thoughts and prayers, as well as the thoughts and prayers of my co-workers are all with him and his family.

  5. Scott,

    Get well soon.

    Steve Bretschneider

  6. Hi M
    Any news on how Scott’s doing?

  7. There’s a podcast on indesignsecrets where the hosts talk with Scott. I’ve never met him or anything, but he seems in good form.

    I am glad to hear he’s ok though and he’s recovering well.

  8. Cool, thanks Eugene for the “let know” …

  9. Gary Spedding says:


    Please say hello to my good friend Jeff Witchel at your seminar/session next week. I believe he has war stories to share with Scott Citron whom he knows quite well I think.


  10. It’s great to see friends come together in a time of need. That’s when you know who your friends really are.

    On a different note, I have to say this podcast has revolutionized work here at the studio. We do ALOT of publications and some of the workflow tips have saved hundreds of hours of work. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see the new video soon. (I just can’t wait).

    um abraço,

    p.s. (writing from Brasilia, Brazil)

  11. Thanks, Glen —

    I’m glad to hear that…and I know it’s been a very long time since the last podcast. There’s been a lot going on, not the least of which is a baby on the way (just a few weeks now) and if anyone’s been paying attention to the Adobe web site, there will be news about CS4 coming at right about the same time. All of this has me spread a little thin, but be patient…there’s more to come.

  12. Thanks to my friend Michael Murphy, and to the rest of you for your kind thoughts and prayers sent on behalf of my recovery. After nearly five weeks I’m finally out of the hospital and living now at my older sister’s house in Los Angeles. I’ve just begun several weeks of intense physical therapy and hope to be back in New York in early October. Thanks to all for helping get me back on my feet.

  13. Gary Spedding says:


    I note at InDesign Secrets that they are trying to raise some funds for Scott’s medical bills.

    I know you are very busy but might I suggest you try to do a very special Episode of the InDesigner that is ONLY for sale at a reasonable price to raise a little money this way? Or maybe a compilation of your best Podcasts?. Of course I do not know the logistics involved in actually “selling” this. Maybe David Blatner can help set up a pay account for the sale of this episode through his InDesign Magazine account.

    Just a thought or two here.

  14. Thanks for the thoughts, Gary. Everyone’s trying to do what they can to help Scott bounce back in other-than-physical ways. My most recent post (yesterday) links to a few places, not the least of which is a Paypal account to which people can directly donate.

    I’m also unsure of the mechanics of a “for pay” podcast, and figuring it out is not the best investment of my time at the moment. Just getting any podcast posted has clearly been a scheduling challenge for me.

    Again, though, I appreciate the thoughts and the concern for Scott.

  15. Hey, Scott, congrats on the road to recovery, probably a bad saying in this case. But it’s great to see that you’re back up and typing, it shows that they have the technology and they can rebuild you.

    Great to hear from you and best of luck with your recovery.
