Style Mapping Bug Fixed with 6.0.4 Update
As reported in an earlier post the custom style mapping feature available in the Microsoft Word Import Options dialog has been broken since InDesign CS4 hit the shelves almost a year ago. Today, with the release of the 6.0.4 update for both Windows and Mac (not yet posted on the InDesign Mac Updates page, but available from InDesign’s Help > Updates… menu), this error–along with other odd bugs and behaviors–is fixed.
I haven’t tested the style mapping fix on Windows (I’d welcome any blog reader’s experience on whether or not it’s working as advertised on that platform), but I tested it on the Mac and the functionality has been restored successfully. Even after a quit and restart of InDesign, my custom style map preset was preserved along with all of the style settings associated with it.
For those of you who haven’t yet updated to 6.0.4, and the many of you who responded with outrage to my earlier post about this, get yourself updated and back in business. I have no evidence that my earlier post had any influence on Adobe, but the fact that so many people seem to have filed bug reports about it may have helped significantly toward getting the problem the required engineering resources to fix it. Whatever the impetus, I’m glad it’s back.
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September 23rd, 2009 at 12:01 pm
I just tried it out on Win XP Home SP2 on a Dell 2.9MHz, 2GB, 80GB. Works like a charm with all my presets and settings intact!
September 24th, 2009 at 1:20 pm
Hey Michael,
This isn’t about the style mapping fix post, but thanks for that notice too. I just wanted to say a great big humungus THANK YOU for your book. My client asked me include a variable running header today. One I hadn’t provided earlier. I’ve always manually done this by typing it into the master for each chapter. Drudgery and potential for errors.
Following your instructions (On page 186 my fellow InDesigners!) I quickly applied the variable to the master. Synched the book (making sure that master pages was checked in Synch Options in the book panel) and Voila!! My variable running headers was applied throughout the entire book.
You just save me a bunch of time and now that I know how easy it is I’ll be doing it this way from now on! THANKS!!
September 29th, 2009 at 11:09 pm
Hi Michael — a quick note to say that bug reports from multiple sources on the same issue do in fact make a difference. In addition to severity as well as whether or not a reasonable workaround is available, the number of customers a particular issue may effect is an important metric we consider when making decisions about what bugs to address first.